IRS & HMRC - Mark Bardell,Swindler - Prosecute + Prison for Stolen Millions-Now Other Auctions+Dealers Getting Charged
(too old to reply)
2012-02-21 18:24:20 UTC
IRS & HMRC - THIEF Mark Bardell Deserves Prosecution for Stolen Millions

Thief Mark Bardell likes to rob and swindle seniors, widows and orphans.
Victims have so far complained to authorities from:
Sacramento, California
Baltimore/Washington area
Edgbaston Birmingham England

More victims are expected to contact authorities in USA and Britain

Thanks to the investigations in US, Britain and elsewhere involving Interpol
regarding a million dollar swindle by Bardell, authorities in in both countries
are now investigating many other stamp dealers and auctions.

remember the Apfelbaum case, involving the FBI against Apfelbaum and other
auctions, as a result of which some auctions were forced out of business.
Now other stamp dealers can thank Bardell for their problems.

Now that the USA have just passed a new TAX AVOIDANCE LAW to nail
those involved in foreign MONEY LAUNDERING they have a great case involving
many millions in undeclared income in 2009 and 2010

Evidence of the many MILLIONS stolen from seniors and consignors is available to
authorities from:
Ebay/Paypal - over 17,000 documented sales

And don't forget the FBI and IRS, who are investigating for RICO, Proceeds of
Crime, International Money Laundering, plus massive TAX FRAUD.

Just go to:

Mark Bardell
6 Aspen Glen Ct
Owings Mills, MD


Bardell has another property in Birmingham England, which he registered in the
name of his father, trying to avoid paying taxes in both USA and Britain.

His filed tax returns with IRS do not account for all his trips every y few
months to Britain and Europe with his whole family, taking expensive collections
to sell there for CASH.

What other criminal activities required that he make frequent trips to Europe,
such deugs perhaps?

Under the tax laws of both countries, Bardell is taxable IN BOTH COUNTRIES

If a government agency requires further documentary evidence, if you will post
name, address and phone number, you will then receive a parcel of documents
sent in the diplomatic pouch from your Embassy.

One of Bardell's biggest victims, from whom he stole many millions in valuable
collections which the senior had consigned, has now had a near-fatal heart
attack. He has so far had 2 heart operations to save his life. The family are
now providing all kinds of documentary evidence, together with USPS.

They pray daily, that Bardell gets stomach cancer, or else gets incinerated.

Alternatively, that he suffers from lead poisoning to the skull, or perhaps from
a surfeit of C4

Victims are praying, that when Bardell's house gets burned to the ground, with
all his belongings inside, that after the fire a skeleton of a mid-40's man is
found in the rubble.

Moochers beware...

HMRC To Use 'Web Robots' To Hunt Down Tax Cheats

Tom Jow itt

Tax cheats beware: HM Revenue & Customs is planning to use web bots to
crack down on tax evasion

The announcement from the HMRC says that it will utilise "web robot"
software to search the Internet and find targeted information about
specified people and companies. HMRC also says that by using the software
it can more accurately pinpoint people who have failed to pay the right
tax. But it seems that the government software will also be used to locate
people who are trading without informing HMRC.

Bots On The Prowl

The web robot software (essentially Internet bots) will be used in
conjunction with the department’s Connect computer system.
"Connect alerts HMRC to previously invisible tax evasion by matching a
vast amount of HMRC and third-party data, enabling a fast and focused
response to tax evasion," said HMRC. "It shines a light onto previously
hidden relationships, uncovering anomalies between such elements as bank
interest, property income and lifestyle indicators before homing in on
unexplained inconsistencies."
"By being open about our areas of interest for the coming year we hope to
maximise that exchange of information and ensure we reduce the tax gap and
help customers pay what they owe," said Wells, HMRC’s Director of Risk and
"We will use the information we gather to pursue people who choose not to
use the opportunities we provide for them to put their affairs in order on
the best possible terms," said Wells. "It will be more expensive if we
come and find people, so I urge them to come forward and disclose

Moonlighting Clampdown

The decision to target cyberspace to hunt down those evading tax comes as
HMRC continues its campaign to recover around £7 billion lost to the
Treasury each year. It is thought that this latest development, the use
of ‘web robots’, will help HMRC track down rogue eBay and Gumtree
businesses, as well as people earning second incomes by acting as private
tutors. It will also help it hunt down so called cash-in-hand handymen
and traders.

A HMRC spokesman told the Guardian newspaper for example that the software
will be used to look on services such as Google and eBay to identify
traders, and will then cross-reference it against its own
"For example, it will see if Mr Smith’s sale of mobile phones is a trade,"
the spokesman said. "If, when it looks back into our systems and finds
that Mr Smith works at a supermarket and there is no mention of online
trading, the compliance staff will contact him. "It’s about catching
moonlighters. We want to let these people know that we are on to them," he
told the Guardian.

Connect Success
However before designing and launching this and other campaigns, the
department will seek input from interested parties.
In September last year the department’s new Connect computer system helped
HMRC discover that millions
of people had been taxed incorrectly between 2008 and 2010. Those people
faced either a tax rebate or a d emand to make up underpaid income tax.

Is it true, that Bardell's wife Jennifer is considering divorcing criminal thief

Have the FBI and IRS offered her immunity from criminal charges,
in exchange for her testifying against Mark?
Sari O'Grosvenor
2012-02-21 18:31:15 UTC
Kabanatuan <***@Neuva.Ecija.net> wrote in news:***@4ax.com:


William Grosvenor, CGA (Certified Gay Asshole)
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

"Grosvenor...has a criminal record for assault and extortion, [and] was
diagnosed at Riverview Psychiatric Hospital in British Columbia in 1973 as
suffering from a paranoid personality disorder..." (Alberta Report)

Reading Grosvenor gives one the same feeling one gets when cleaning one's
bum after a dump and poking a finger through the toilet paper.
