Gangs - Go Rob Mark Bardell of Ill-Gotten Millions?
(too old to reply)
2011-05-26 15:53:43 UTC
Gangs to Rob Mark Bardell?

It seems that some of the gangs in Washington DC are now taking an interest in
Mark Bardell.
Who will be robbing him first?
Will it be Mara Salvatrucha 13?
Or will it be the Bloods & Crips?

These gangs are very interested in ripping off scammers who have many millions
of undeclared wealth.

And don't forget the FBI and IRS, who are investigating for RICO, Proceeds of
Crime, International Money Laundering, plus massive TAX FRAUD.

Gangs, just go to:

Mark Bardell
6 Aspen Glen Ct
Owings Mills, MD

410) 998-9002

Since Bardell has another property in Birmingham England, which of the
Birmingham gangs will be razing it to the ground?

Will it be the Stonehouse Gang, or the Muslim BirminghamPanthers?
Or perhaps the Lynx Gang, or Johnson Crew?

His insurance companies will be cancelling policies, since he is such a bad risk
now, and they would have to pay when he gets burned out.
2011-05-26 19:25:42 UTC
Post by g***@hotmail.com
Gangs to Rob Mark Bardell?
It seems that some of the gangs in Washington DC are now taking an
interest in Mark Bardell.
In other words, Grosvenor sent a libelous and thoroughly anonymous rant to
the DC police, who promply ignored it.

Fritz Wuehler
2011-05-27 02:46:50 UTC
Post by g***@hotmail.com
Gangs to Rob Mark Bardell?
It seems that some of the gangs in Washington DC are now taking an
interest in Mark Bardell.
Your name is William Grosvenor. It used to be William Gruber, but
you changed it in a futile attempt to conceal your shameful
criminal past.

You wanted to move to Australia or New Zealand, having worn out
your welcome in Manila, but couldn't, because both nations require
immigrants to be of good character.

You are a convicted criminal... your side of the story can be found
here: http://william-grosvenor.info - your lies before an Alberta
court investigating
your bogus "Grosvenor Stamp Company" did not impress the judge.

You have three wives, named Sario, Darlene and Victoria. They all
spit when they hear your name.

If you are able to locate a woman stupid enough to swallow your
bullshit, you will change your name again and make her your fourth
victim. (You thought your Bulacan wh0re was dumb enough until she
threw your sorry ass out the door after discovering who you really

You use aliases in the vain hope that people even dumber than you
are will think that someone ELSE is posting your endless drivel. It
never works, but it seems you can no longer afford the
consequences of posting as yourself.

You chose aliases to honor your intellectual, social and moral
superiors... those people you most admire, the people that expose
your lies, your criminal past, your sexual impotence, your sick
prediliction for little boys and the maggot's nest that passes for
the sewer of your mind.

You, William Grosvenor, are, in alpabetical order:

Barbara Gunnarsson
Convict Kane Chan
Desmond Cohen Zionazi
Henry Ford
John Flemingdum
Levi Cohen
Moldy Bread
Patrick Humpboys
Tarapia Tapioco
Xposing McVay
Xposing McVaySOBC
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein

You moved into a hovel in Bulacan on your inevitable way to the
gutter you so richly deserve.

You are the poster boy of the White Supremacy movement.

1. You are a complete fvcking failure. You fuck up everything you

2. You shoot off your mouth in willful ignorance and pay dearly for
it; most recently, your Canadian home was taken from you by force
after you were summarily evicted in disgrace. How's the defamation
business working out for you, asshole?

3. You were ejected from the CGA, a professional organization, in
disgrace. As an accountant, you proved a complete failure - one
whom no one in their right mind would ever consider hiring.

4. You express hatred for just about everyone. In truth, you loathe
who and what you are, and blame your Masters, many of whom you
think hide beneath your bed, for your continued failure.

5. You actually ran out on your third wife and left her homeless
and destitute. You are a worthless blob of human excrement.

6. You prey upon fat, stupid women who do not discover how deranged
you are until it is too late.

7. If someone gave you a clue, you would not know what the fvck to
do with it.

You are William David Michael Grosvenor. These are a few of your
email addresses:

