Post by CappaOk, thanks. In any case I can't shop there with webtv. I need
Considering the extremeely low price of a recycled computer - why not get
We buy and donate for public service, machines costing less than $100
Look in FreeCycle, perhaps someone is tossing a WIN 98 system, - that's
enough to get on the real 'net.
BTW: There's an english bloke on ebunko that will make nearly any forgery of
early GB you want.
"i could of really help you with others if needed, i can make perfect rare
Victorian overprints that have £10,000 price tags,i can produce blues and
reds that are worth £100,s from plane ones, all these are on real stamps not
if you want i can also put rare Maltese cross's on the blacks and even make
them look like late use blacks with bard numeral cancels on them, i make my
own hand cancels "